I have tapeworms

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Willwood 🔛🔝‼️‼️
Kaboombbb on YouTube and tiktok

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  I have tapeworms

The Giggler

It’s a lot easier to learn how to do them and then it is to draw something that stands on 2 feet

7 months ago   Reply
  I have tapeworms

The Giggler

Is the pfp some random sky thing or did I just accidentally send a friend request to a random person

7 months ago   Reply (1)
  I have tapeworms

I have tapeworms


7 months ago   Reply
  I have tapeworms

The Giggler

It’s fine I just want to prove my innocence because this interaction still pisses me off to this day

7 months ago   Reply (2)
  I have tapeworms

The Giggler

Sureio my discord is Coolkidnotminecraft if you have that😘

7 months ago   Reply (1)
  I have tapeworms

I have tapeworms

Anyways I just ghosted them and I’m telling y’all about this because I’m petty and still mad about it /j💕

7 months ago   Reply
  I have tapeworms

Funny little discord story

The worst part was that they were a FUCKING COLLEGE STUDENT!? And they have the BALLS to complain about a green cat to a middle schooler like leave me alone you freak😭

7 months ago   Reply (1)
  I have tapeworms

Funny little discord story

And when I mentioned that to them they were like “ermmm but c-creepers aren’t brown!” And I was like YEAH DUH creative liberties ever heard of that? Ofc I didn’t say that though I was being as nice as I could in that situation

7 months ago   Reply
  I have tapeworms

The Giggler

Yeahhh funny silly little experience

7 months ago   Reply
  I have tapeworms

The Giggler

IK BEGGING ON MY HANDS AND KNEES (🎶 please relieve me of my dreaming my begging kneeling pleading for my savory sweet release of death🎶 ruh roh willwood reference i couldn’t help myself)

7 months ago   Reply (1)
  I have tapeworms

The Giggler


7 months ago   Reply (1)
  I have tapeworms

★Randomthedime★ (leader of ...


7 months ago   Reply
  I have tapeworms

Erm ehat the flip doodle!

Ermmmmmm what the fart⁉️😾

7 months ago   Reply
  I have tapeworms

★Randomthedime★ (leader of ...


7 months ago   Reply (1)
  I have tapeworms

The Giggler

The internal Gigater

7 months ago   Reply
  I have tapeworms

Help 🤧

Your artstyle makes me go🙀😻

7 months ago   Reply (1)
  I have tapeworms

The Giggler

That sucks😭

7 months ago   Reply
  I have tapeworms


This is awesome!

7 months ago   Reply