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This is a real account. Trust me. I just forget my password...repeatedly
I will remember it this time.
I am pansexual, and I am 13 years old! Call me KK or if you want you can call me by my past users.
It's been two months since I quit so...hurray I guess.
Main reason was the electronic I was using died permanently so I had to resort to other stuff. And also because of toxic things.
But I am back and will me most of the time.
Main ones are: Sophia,harper, Rose/Ross, serif, and Joy.
New ocs are: spot, Cassandra, [new] midnight and dawn.
I will mostly be on YouTube and Discord.

A message to people: Be yourself, no need to hide who you are. If people don't like you for you then don't be friends with them. You need to be comfortable with your own skin because you can't just swap with someone else's. But what you can do is love yourself for who you see yourself to be. Not what some person online said or your friends who tell you to be another person.

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Maddie and unknown

Rose47: because it was cute?? I thought I was treating it fine but if it's happy then it's happy.
Joy: Hmmm...how about..quiver?
Rose: So did we. And Sci? She may seem innocent but I can reassure you, she is worse than every one of us. Name one crime and she has gotten away with it.
Rose47: Other than the sexual felonies. Just homicide or Genocide.

8 months ago   Reply (1)

Maddie and unknown

Rose: Fox?
Rose47:Yes, we met. And it comes from when we have had a talk on the worst things we've done. Sci is the worst us. And I am..
Rose: Most docile.
Rose47: Says the one who's blind.
Rose: Says the one who didn't experiment on children.
Joy: Mom, that is NOT a good thing!

8 months ago   Reply (1)

Maddie and unknown

Rose47: they call me Four.
Rose: Or Dr.Mc-Junor.
Rose47: Shut up.
Rose: Just because she hasn't done the things all of us Rose's did.

8 months ago   Reply (1)

Maddie and unknown

Rose47: Don't push it. I don't have the heart to kill you right now.
Rose: did Sci threaten you, For?
(Her nickname is for)
Rose47: Shut up. Batass.
Rose: Oh? It seems you still have an edge.
Joy: mom, mom47, stop fighting.

8 months ago   Reply (1)

Maddie and unknown

Rose47: I-...you're not wrong, but all I wanted was conformation that the fox was not dead.
(She still cares, just have difficult time expressing concerns)

8 months ago   Reply (1)

Maddie and unknown

Rose: What happened to serif?

*Rose47 appears through a portal*
Rose47: Kitsune.. I think you have something of mine.
Rose: Oh shi-

8 months ago   Reply (1)

Maddie and unknown

Joy: Huh..Serif? Does he have a daughter?
Rose: is my mother still alive? I mean..Rose47's mom

8 months ago   Reply (1)

Maddie and unknown

Joy: How is Joy 47? Is rose 47 blind too?
Rose: Let us get out of here now!

8 months ago   Reply (1)

Maddie and unknown

Joy: Noa I'm interested in what Joy 47 is like-
Rose: Not the time, yes please help us.

8 months ago   Reply (1)

Maddie and unknown

Rose: Wait- what?! Babe I-
Joy: Not your Kitsune, mom. Just- I'm sorry sir, this rose is blind and retired. She loves her kitsune.

8 months ago   Reply (1)

Maddie and unknown

Rose: You okay?

8 months ago   Reply (1)

Maddie and unknown

Rose: The void thing.
Joy: Yeaaah..we're a but stuck.
Serif: hi
Jj: I still can't believe someone said I was a girl-

8 months ago   Reply (1)

Maddie and unknown

I am dressed up as a cat.

8 months ago   Reply (1)

Maddie and unknown

Rose: Cause I miss your voice. And I want to get out of here-

8 months ago   Reply (1)