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✨Hello hello my loves~!
{Your friend is here! I’m posting on this acc because of well- you already know (I accidentally deleted my acc) So far, everything is going well and my art has gotten a bit better!}


🫶🏻I am:
*Bisexual, Poly, and trans! (Yes, I is trans.)*

•{She, He, They}•

~I go by~
+Jenny, Jen~!+
~{My signature emojis- 🔥✨~🫶🏻✨}~

My ocs:
✨Zaida: 21✨
✨Zeke: 25✨
✨Beanie: 16✨
✨Alex: 24✨
✨Naomi: 18✨
✨Yiko: 18✨
✨Siren: 22✨
✨Evan: 17✨
✨Ezra: 17✨
✨Moshi: 13✨
✨Mira: 14✨

Survived the 2023 July 29th Hack Massacre 😙✌🏻

•{Enjoy my page~ love you all~!!!}•

116 Following     74 Follower


⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣

Siren: “Mmm…Humans…”
*She frowned, staring at the floor. Then winced and held her arm*
Zaida: “Huh-? is she hurt..?”
Lucas: “It looks like her arm is bleeding…i can’t tell though..”

1 years ago   Reply (1)

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣


Zaida: “Hm…Yea i am okay. Are you done fixing- well…You know.”
*She looked at him, smiling*

1 years ago   Reply (1)

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣

Siren: “Mhm…”
*She nodded and smiled, then got up and fell again-*
Zaida: “I do not think she is used to walking. She lived in the ocean remember? I am confused on why she is here though..”
Lucas: “Maybe someone was after her…?”

1 years ago   Reply (1)

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣


Zaida: “…GAH-!”
*She got up and screamed- then wiped her mouth and sighed.*
“No sleeping..”

1 years ago   Reply (1)

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣

Zaida: “I agree on the cute part so…”
Lucas: “…..She’s mine.”
Zaida: “UH- NO.”
Lucas: “YES.”
Siren: “….”
*Sits in mid air- then falls back and hits her head*
Siren: “Eek-!?”

1 years ago   Reply (1)

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣


Zaida: “Gh..”
*She yawned and fell asleep, her ears slightly going down*

1 years ago   Reply (1)

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣

Zaida: “Ahem? you do realize i exist right??? AND. we do not even know this girl.”
Siren: “Cute..? What is that-?”
Lucas: “Yep! cute ^^”

1 years ago   Reply (1)

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣


Zaida: “….”
*Still focused on drawing, trying to ignore them both lol cause she ain’t dealing with this rn.*

1 years ago   Reply (1)

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣

Siren: “What is…lying..?”
*She stared at them confused, then saw the couch and gasped, rubbing to it and grabbing a pillow*
Siren: “Hm-? weird thing…”
Zaida: “….I do not think she is lying.”
Lucas: “Definitely not.”

1 years ago   Reply (1)

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣


Zaida: “No.”
*She walked away into the room and started drawing random ass things on a notebook*

1 years ago   Reply (1)

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣

Zaida: “Probably not, but she should know how to write lines.”
Siren: “Mhm…!”
*Writing the lines- then gives it to Zaida*
Zaida: “Thank you! 1…2…3-…”
*She stares at the paper, then looked at all of them.*
Zaida: “22-..”

1 years ago   Reply (1)

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣


Zaida: “Mgh..”
*She gently covered Jesters mouth and stared at Jevil still*
“You fix this…”

1 years ago   Reply (1)

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣

Siren: “…………”
Lucas: “Right…sorry.”
Zaida: “Ah! i have an idea ^^”
*She ran to the room and grabbed a paper and pencil, then came back and gave it to her*
Zaida: “Write lines on this paper for every year you’ve been- well…on earth or something.”
Siren: “mm..ok..”

1 years ago   Reply (1)

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣


Zaida: “I mean…you do smell funny- BUT YOU CANNOT SAY THAT DEAR!”
*She looked at Jester angrily, Then at Jevil dead in the eye*
“This is why you do NOT. curse in front of a baby…”

1 years ago   Reply (1)

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣

Siren: “Siren…”
*Tips over*
Zaida: “How old are you…?”
Lucas: “What are you?”
Zaida: “Why did you come in here?”
*They kept showering her with questions*
Siren: “…mm-”

1 years ago   Reply (1)

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣


Zaida: “Pff- Hun do not do that to daddy…”
*She looked at Jester*

1 years ago   Reply (1)

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣

Siren: “Water…”
*She looked at Jevil*
Zaida: “….You came from the ocean..?”
Siren: “Mm! mhm!!” *Nods*
Lucas: “That’s a yes. Did you learn out language by giving jevil a kiss-?”
Siren: “hm..?”
Lucas: *Points at his lips*
Siren: “Ah! yes ^^”

1 years ago   Reply (1)

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣


Zaida: “Ow-!…Cute..”
*She smiled and hugged Jevil back, smiling*
“mmm…i love you both so much..”

1 years ago   Reply (1)

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣

Zaida: “Ghhhh…”
*She crossed her arms and looked to the side, groaning*
Siren: “I…I…uhm…”
Lucas: “I think it’s- well, she is trying to say something..”
Siren: “I am…sorry-…”
Zaida: “!?- IT SPOKE!”

1 years ago   Reply (1)

⚣♤♡Jevil A Fat Jester◇♧⚣


Zaida: “-!…”
*She blushed a little, her eyes lighting up as she hugged him tight*
“Awhh…i- i love you too dear…”

1 years ago   Reply (1)