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Name : moon/moondrop.
Is wanted in all 195 countries, murdered 12 people, blew up a orphanage, almost killed hunter and monty 180 times.

☆Likes : artsy, weapons, sun, hunter, my hat, killing, violence, destroying monty, moonrise, blood, fighting, jevil, making kids cry in the daycare, my moondrop corner, moon candy.

☆Dislike : vanny, monty, chica, freddy, Gregory, the daycare, roxy, not being left alone, light, not being able to kill.☆

☆Nicknames for others : starbeam, shootingstar, starlight, little star, bitch.☆
(Idk what else to put :])

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W.s :"hmm..hehe."*they pulled out a jar of spiders, opening it, letting spiders crawl on em, some of the spiders crawling onto milo*

8 months ago   Reply (1)


C :"no there not."
W.s :"they kinda are, except spiders."

8 months ago   Reply (1)


C :"bugs ain't really that creepy, there actually friendly!"

8 months ago   Reply (1)


C :*he picked up the bugs he was talking to, letting them crawl around his hand*

8 months ago   Reply (1)


C :*he was talking to bugs still, he looked relaxed and calm*

W.s :*they stood back up*

8 months ago   Reply (1)


(My mom randomly said she's gonna pee on the floor and sleep on the toilet :])

W.s :*there whole face was red*

C :*he smiled, he just talked to the bugs more, sitting on the floor with his legs crossed, not even seeing what's going on*

J :*he fell asleep*

8 months ago   Reply (1)


W.s :*they blushed, there tails wagging fast*

C :*he felt me relaxed talking to bugs, his tail wagging*

8 months ago   Reply (1)


C :*he just talked to bugs that were in the corner, trying to calm himself down*

J :*he ate a cheeseburger*
W.s :*they blushed. They kneeled down to Milo's height*

8 months ago   Reply (1)


W.s :*they flew them to a food court, putting them down*"here we are."

8 months ago   Reply (1)


W.s :*he picked them all up*"I'll fly yall there."

8 months ago   Reply (1)


*he dragged monty to the daycare*

J :"so uh..do u guys wanna get some pizza?."
W.s :"uhm...ig."
C :*he just looked traumatized*

8 months ago   Reply (1)


*he walked back out the room, dragging monty dead body *

C :*he looked terrified*
W.s :*he held milo close*
J :"uhh.."

8 months ago   Reply (1)


*monty screams could be heard in the room*

C :"uhm..."
J :"do we help him or something?."

8 months ago   Reply (1)


*he randomly appeared out of nowhere, dragging monty by his tail. he had a hammer in his hand*

M :"FUCK!- HELP!!-"
*he dragged monty Into another room*

C :"uhh..."
W.s :"wtf."
J :"is he gonna be ok?."

8 months ago   Reply (1)


J :*he looked at milo and w.s*"love birds."

8 months ago   Reply (1)


J :"nice to meet u guys."

8 months ago   Reply (1)


W.s :*they blushed, there tails wagging*
J :*he stopped shaking comet hand*"anyway, what are ur guys names."

W.s :"we are web."
/s.:"and spooks!"

8 months ago   Reply (1)


W.s :*they picked them up, smiling*

J :*he shook comet hand*"nice to meet u comet."
C :*he blushed a bit*"nice to meet u too Jupiter!"*he smiled, his tail wagging*

8 months ago   Reply (1)