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Real name: classified
Likes: the knife game, Rubik cubes, Tetris and my followers
... remember to wear your seatbelt
Ocs: derpy red & Error Red
Crush: none... Like anyone loves me anyway...
7 Following 5 Follower
Gb ((Gender bent)) me: any requestss?
Keep your eyes clean from vore
K good just don't look it up on YouTube
I has one last question.. do u hate vore?.. (I do |||•^•
3 Hanayu can u draw a gender swoop oof meh?
2 why am I so lonely?.. :(
Meet too
:D yaaay
Derpy red is backkkkk!
Oh noez
First.. do u play Tetris?
What happens when Yandere Pink is near her senpais
Sigh.. papyrus ain't real Hoi X3
I has questions
Nyan cat
It's called nyan cat for a reason.. in the song it's actually nyans not meows
Challenge time also stop scrolling tap here
Meh I can see you being a clickbater
This is just a cheap way of getting followers/veiws
Glados ded
Nu I need portals and rocket launching robots and stairs and a black hole in real life
*cries in a corner in a ball laying down thinking about what I just did*