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Derpy- .///.
Derpy- *sighs in pleasure*
Yup~//Derpy- *leans against shower wall*
:3 Bre
Continue~ you can check other anime to see where we left off~
You promise we'll continue? I want my old bre...))
Derpy- cleans drawings anus* now me~ *leans against shower wall*
Derpy- *drags washcloth across drawings vagina*
Derpy- almost done~~ you better do a good job with me~
Derpy- *scrubs drawings thighs and arms while humping her*
Derpy- *washes the breasts thoughtfully* *finshes with a lick vag to neck* (omg so meann)
Derpy- *turns her around to wash her boobs* *presses their parts together*
Derpy- *to finsh off drawings back, she licks it once from her butthole to her neck*
Derpy- *forces her vag onto drawings butt as she washes drawings back*
Derpy- *grabs a wash cloth*
Derpy- let's help each other wash♡♡♡