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Be creative and don't loose that creativity ^//////^
6 Following 19 Follower
Beach rp anyone
Raph:-is sweating- Yeeeeesssssss plz
Meh:ok Mickey:sure Donnie:ok Leo:I'll pass,
I feel like I should kill myself
No don't plz
I'll tell you guys my actual age..
Thx :3
I'm 10 too.My B-DAY is next week tuesday :/
Try to make evil bendy blush ;)
Hey bendy you look sooooo cute. :3 -gives a hug and kiss on head-
I like porn...xD
Ask Evil Bendy
Bendy can you sing.If you can sing "I came in like a wrecking ball" To alice and boris
Wedding Rp!
See mine I did it already
I couldn't mail it.But its there
Ok.I better hurry
I thought swerp was a girl
I guess this is how I look now
I think I found the person.The one who said your drawings are ugly
Ask and dare us
I mean with jackie sorry
They have cutted my wings!!
I beat them up when I find out who did it
Uh oh.. Fwuffles is cornered!
What are you guys gonna look like in the camp roleplay?
I'll draw it
High school roleplay?
Fandroid!!! Run!!!
Cool.I love Fandroid he's my biggest fan