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Uhh guys repeated views are back
Meh I Think I Prefear YouTube Than Anime Maker
Q&A for anyone who missed me ig
"Ultra Player" (On a journey)
That’s is a molecule of my longest
oh nice a new update is here
Bro I think I accidentally made someone quit because of a weird comment they made
This is the most I will ever rant in my life
I did not know who lopi is
OSM season 1 described in less than 25 seconds
It’s repeated isn’t it
I’ve never seen one of my standard animations get more than ten veiws unless it’s repeated
Why is this blowing up
For anyone who dose not know what OSM is, search it up
DJ hyper
Not a lot compared to over 1000 frames
Yo bro when that AnimeMaker rewards of 2023 coming
Man what the fuck?? I am not planning on anything
Is it about that argument with that me and Parappas had where I won by a landslide
I’m a dead channel now
I transferred accounts
Snow is gone, parappas is back
Bro I won an argument and he got so mad he deleted all of his comments from the argument
Yah fuck you parappas, I won
Edit: I now realized he did not block me, he deleted his comments but due to me replying to most of them, you can still see what he commented
Cuz I made Parappas mad to the point he blocked me