0FFLINE(This account is being shared by people not constantly or oftenly, This owner of this account has now officially give zero shits)

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Status: [REDACTED]
Goofy Animator
(Poof goes your p[&&&*])- by my irl best friend/card co-creator/ youtuber, cooper

Age: ["That's Classified, pal"]

Things I simp for: Carmen From spooky month cuz AWWWOOOOOOGA

Zodiac: ♍️ Virgo♍️ (The Earth Type)

My time has come😌
Goodbye artists...

Now actually

Work status: Freelance fnf artist (not paid)

168 Following     205 Follower

  0FFLINE(This account is bei...



6 months ago   Reply (1)
  0FFLINE(This account is bei...


By the way
I reported you
And I blocked your previous account
I'm not afraid to do it again

6 months ago   Reply (1)
  0FFLINE(This account is bei...


For a second there
I thought you'd say something else

6 months ago   Reply (1)
  0FFLINE(This account is bei...


Like I once said on discord

It's like Kenmaz is turning this app into a graveyard

6 months ago   Reply
  0FFLINE(This account is bei...


I'm just gonna say this..
When there's good people...There's bad people

6 months ago   Reply (1)
  0FFLINE(This account is bei...


Like dude
Stop the cap

Ig anime maker is becoming like the bad side of New York day after day, stop it...rewind..Day after dayπŸ™„

6 months ago   Reply (1)
  0FFLINE(This account is bei...


That's how Attention Whores were invented on this app

6 months ago   Reply (2)
  0FFLINE(This account is bei...

" Why do I have so many views?! " Here's why:

AM should just kill themselves now..
I mean like
People are becoming more of attention whores every single day tbh (no offense)

6 months ago   Reply (1)
  0FFLINE(This account is bei...

meet victoria my vampire oc

Meet me new invention!
The "Ikidnapyouroc-inator" !

6 months ago   Reply (1)
  0FFLINE(This account is bei...


Who gives a fuck🀣
It's the truth.

6 months ago   Reply (1)
  0FFLINE(This account is bei...


Ik I was supposed to be gone..
But you shut up you bitchless girlie girl
People don't even like you because of this.
No one likes racism

And black lives actually DO matter, you white cunt

Martin Luther King JR or MLK is a black dude who stood up for his fellow black people against racism with peace

But that's non-relevant to right now

What I'm saying is...Fuck off you white ass bitchless cunt

6 months ago   Reply (7)