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Status: [REDACTED]
Goofy Animator
(Poof goes your p[&&&*])- by my irl best friend/card co-creator/ youtuber, cooper

Age: ["That's Classified, pal"]

Things I simp for: Carmen From spooky month cuz AWWWOOOOOOGA

Zodiac: ♍️ Virgo♍️ (The Earth Type)

My time has come😌
Goodbye artists...

Now actually

Work status: Freelance fnf artist (not paid)

168 Following     205 Follower

  0FFLINE(This account is bei...


Asher: *-casually ripped the ropes off her*

5 months ago   Reply (1)
  0FFLINE(This account is bei...

♡::A Bit Devious::♡

It is I
Creator of the guy with the cowboy looking hat👋🏾

5 months ago   Reply
  0FFLINE(This account is bei...


Uhm actually
What are you yapping about/J

5 months ago   Reply
  0FFLINE(This account is bei...

sorry for not posting

Same as her discord username 😇

5 months ago   Reply
  0FFLINE(This account is bei...


Oki dokily doki👍🏾

5 months ago   Reply
  0FFLINE(This account is bei...


You do?
Or is that a question-

If you feel like helping with voices or somethin
My discord username is

5 months ago   Reply (1)
  0FFLINE(This account is bei...


Assuming you don't have discord?

5 months ago   Reply (1)
  0FFLINE(This account is bei...


Storyboard or rough animation for the galactic kids next door
(Do your research on the kids next door)
Or a substitute animator if I'm not feeling well

5 months ago   Reply (1)
  0FFLINE(This account is bei...


I'm working on a fan made series and I'm looking for people who fit the job

5 months ago   Reply (1)
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🔨(Under Reconstruction)🧱

Nicest thing I can do is uh

Put you on the waiting list until you get discord

5 months ago   Reply
  0FFLINE(This account is bei...

Shakin in my boots

In my class
While doing a test I missed out bc I was sick and it didn't count
My teacher was teaching MLK and she gave me an option to give background information..
And I did
Yay :,)

But you no sob in corner..YOU LIVE 'NOTHER DAY

5 months ago   Reply