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OCs:Chang, Chain, Ayancot, shadow, lover Follow me for a chance to be followed back!
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U guys have 10 mins to save me if u dont i will die
*heals a bit*
Im dead to bring me to life u must find this jewelry its inside my house good luck
just go away
So-Someone St-Stabed Me In T-The Ba-Back Ta-Take Me To T-The Ho-Hospital
*heals the back and trys to heal head*
omg you are so stupid
*sends Cherry to hell's beating cage*
it's only for the people who we trust
you can touch it but don't do anything that includes your mouth or any other places -.-
it's the god's heart. if someone eats it they are not gonna be feelin well.
pray: dear gods and goddesses, plz bring back Happywolfgirl with the power of the heart. And send her as a goddess. In the name of Jesus Amen.
*finds the god's heart jewelry*
in this jewelry box oviy
*sniffs around hosue*
i am a goddess i can seance things
Is anybody online
If u care about me will u care if i do this?
if you die, there's no way to come back to the earth.