yeah there was a mass depression month for me last year where i was crying all the time. the hate has gotteb to me emotionally and stuff. (i roleplay. i was younger, so i thought i could. erp. on a post. :/ people found out and spread it around)
but that person was actually 10??? i didn't even know, they didn't tell me, so i literally didn't know i was. erping with a literal CHILD? i was disgusted and ghosted them on all platforms, then everybody hated me for it because roleplay = cringe. butttt i do it to get my ideas out and stuff. basically people were harassing me, posting photos of me everywhere, someone ACTUALLY took my number, and posted all over the internet, and probably on adult websites too to find a way to. "play" with me. (which is disgusting.)
i had to change my number entirely.
well it was a good way to teach me not to ever do that stuff again.
but i still struggle with keeping things appropriate for kids.
im still confused how some people thought i stalked someones bf 💀...
people still call me artsy, and think i groom minors which doesn't even make sense because im a minor myself 😃
it happened last year and shit but people still pop up sometimes
i mean i agree my old self was.. horrible. (i did. horrible things( but i apoligized plenty of times and basically became a better person)