he she boygirl freak
im talking to my other friends while fighting this silly little guy, so dw :3
what does calling me a retard have to do with u insulting ur best friends entire bloodline
n yes, ik that SOME ppl follow for others art, i have been on here since 2015ish!!! just on a new account!!!
im very aware i never said anything abt autism, i was just warning u that u should pick n choose ur insults wisely dawg
idk man!! just a bit strange that u followed someone u “insulted” rofl
i CAN manage to handle an insult!! i was just making an observation :3 and also pick n choose ur insults wisely, cuz u just called an autistic person retarded!! which is a common slur used against autistic peeps!!
okay transphobe!! i think u should at least respect peeps buddy!! u can literally call me anything and I WOULD NKT CARE!! i use both he and she pronouns so u have no way to offend me :3
i said it’s not a sex bc it isn’t!! ur sex is ur biological gender, i think even asslickers should know that
why do u want to know what i was assigned at birth so badly bro
it’s not a new gender lmfao
and u r NOT figuring out if i “have a cock or hole”, plus that sounds RLLY FUCKIN CREEPY DUDE
it’s not like that, im just both, at all times
and boygirl IS!! a gender, its not a sex tho dawg
guess it depends on how im presenting
but i dont like soccer so ill never have to worry abt that
plus why does my gender concern u sm??
Boygirl (or Girlboy, Guygal, Galguy and sometimes shortened to Birl or Burl) refers to someone who identifies as both a Male and a Female (or a Guy and a Gal in the case of Guygal), is connected to both boyhood and girlhood, or whose identity is so interconnected it cannot be separated
both!!! believe it or not, but some peeps aren’t cisgender bud!! n let’s not talk abt my genitals,, k?? im literally fourteen!!!!
a gender, duuuhh
if ur gonna be a bitch towards me then stop interacting rofl
Should I Stop Making Stickfigures
depends, if ya want change then i’d say yea, if it’s more comfy n easier for ya to draw stick figures then id say no