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- MR animation - info
Energy / element ) fire with antimatter

Fighting style ) dance fight

Wardrobe ) long grey gloves with business suit

Class ) Demi god / rare kitsune

Emotions ) pacifist and a bit cocky

His favourite fruit ) cantaloupes 🍈

-people following me goals!-

✅20 ( I’m ecstatic! I’ll make past about this!)
✅30 ( more Japanese kinda art anime)
✅50 ( pick a spot )
❌70 ( I would do better quality content)
❌90 (more events)
❌100 (it would mean the world to me and mega pick a spot )

87 Following     63 Follower


Idk, bros a lil vampire

Come over *gives it a back of nitroglycerin with red food colouring*

6 months ago   Reply


Um is he ok now or is he in ( Tremendous pain )

6 months ago   Reply


Like I just vaporised this one

6 months ago   Reply

that's enough for me

By the way it had nitroglycerin in it I hope you know what that is

6 months ago   Reply (1)


($_$) yes I shall cell them for money!

6 months ago   Reply

Guess who decided to show up

Pull back all the pins and turn them then hit him realy hard and he will spring lock again

6 months ago   Reply

The little baby panda

Sorry I post so much randomly it’s because I only use this app at night and then I’m very active for a while then I shut off and then next evening I become realy active there’s a pattern to it

6 months ago   Reply