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- MR animation - info
Energy / element ) fire with antimatter

Fighting style ) dance fight

Wardrobe ) long grey gloves with business suit

Class ) Demi god / rare kitsune

Emotions ) pacifist and a bit cocky

His favourite fruit ) cantaloupes 🍈

-people following me goals!-

✅20 ( I’m ecstatic! I’ll make past about this!)
✅30 ( more Japanese kinda art anime)
✅50 ( pick a spot )
❌70 ( I would do better quality content)
❌90 (more events)
❌100 (it would mean the world to me and mega pick a spot )

87 Following     63 Follower


✝️ Mr.London,✝️ , animation...

The I tug at your arm out of the collapsing facility *. Come you can still make it!

6 months ago   Reply

✝️ Mr.London,✝️ , animation...

Oh mi oh well * I get some thing that says emergency orbital on it and a beam the the sky comes down and rips a hole through all the rubble letting me get out as I rush away

6 months ago   Reply

✝️ Mr.London,✝️ , animation...

Still but if he is not a threat what about I leave mi cane top hat and monocle behind and enter the room with him and talk

6 months ago   Reply (1)

Gay piece episode 1

I won’t join but I mailed you a bomb

6 months ago   Reply

✝️ Mr.London,✝️ , animation...

I am in rage at what that thing has done to these innocent people I must see that cat! MR London I insist that you take me under ground to that force field room I must see it!

6 months ago   Reply

✝️ Mr.London,✝️ , animation...

I say that I see that thing down there in the ground I must see him and he must see me that cat

6 months ago   Reply (1)

✝️ Mr.London,✝️ , animation...

Because I want to see him through the force field I have this feeling * after I say the that’s mi monocles glass shines red for a second

6 months ago   Reply (1)

✝️ Mr.London,✝️ , animation...

Can you bring them here to talk to me ?

6 months ago   Reply (1)

✝️ Mr.London,✝️ , animation...

May I see the thing that killed my swat team Please?

6 months ago   Reply (1)

✝️ Mr.London,✝️ , animation...

This bomb is not to be medald with it is safe rite now all so may I see that thing that ate mi swat team please..?

6 months ago   Reply (1)

✝️ Mr.London,✝️ , animation...

What it dose is the compressed matter bomb is it’s the size of a small shed AND IT MAKES A BLACK HOLE

6 months ago   Reply (1)

✝️ Mr.London,✝️ , animation...

The thing I am making is only known bye me but I shall tell you know I have a compressed mator bomb if you nead a explanation I will tell you

6 months ago   Reply

✝️ Mr.London,✝️ , animation...

Are you interested by what I have to say because it’s important

6 months ago   Reply (1)

✝️ Mr.London,✝️ , animation...

I am not going to sit tho and let this go unanswered but I have other very interesting new that is to do with this entire planet

6 months ago   Reply (1)


That may be the smoothest animation I have ever seen on this app

6 months ago   Reply