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- MR animation - info
Energy / element ) fire with antimatter

Fighting style ) dance fight

Wardrobe ) long grey gloves with business suit

Class ) Demi god / rare kitsune

Emotions ) pacifist and a bit cocky

His favourite fruit ) cantaloupes 🍈

-people following me goals!-

✅20 ( I’m ecstatic! I’ll make past about this!)
✅30 ( more Japanese kinda art anime)
✅50 ( pick a spot )
❌70 ( I would do better quality content)
❌90 (more events)
❌100 (it would mean the world to me and mega pick a spot )

87 Following     63 Follower


✝️ Mr.London,✝️ , animation...

Ok by the way will these body covers in acid be acceptable?

6 months ago   Reply (1)

Cartoon cat makes another return , it's a giant cat

I killed 2 D class I had 3 body’s and buried 3

6 months ago   Reply

✝️ Mr.London,✝️ , animation...

* I slide through the ground to say one last thing * remember making the doors more dense means mi atoms cant go though them mean I can go thorough the door but I can know so I recommend on high security room making the doors more dense

6 months ago   Reply

✝️ Mr.London,✝️ , animation...

I turn around go rigged and slide through the floor

6 months ago   Reply (1)


Please don’t going about calling people you don’t like retards it’s just rude and horrible so if you can refrain from using retards as some thing stupid or bad that would be appreciated.

6 months ago   Reply

✝️ Mr.London,✝️ , animation...

I look at the label and it says * 0 5 cancel room for gods and leaders of the Scp foundation's * oh SH##

6 months ago   Reply (1)

The time I got , stuck in one of these darn robots ,, accidentally got water spelled on me

Um I found a dark room with a round table and a door below the large table il draw it for you dose it look familiar

6 months ago   Reply (1)

That’s mi office

Not after geting spring locked no

6 months ago   Reply

That’s mi office

I’m in PAIN!!!! HerebywdbIhucbdehuisbfuhidsbuhbhuddsbchubcdsichdijfhishfhihfihhdsihfhdshihfdhihfisdhfdhih

6 months ago   Reply

✝️ Mr.London,✝️ , animation...

Mi office door starts to bend and you see some thing

6 months ago   Reply

✝️ Mr.London,✝️ , animation...

I take one and then take it to mi office * there’s a scream clanking metal on flesh and locks shutting blood come from under mi office door but I’m not dead *

6 months ago   Reply (1)