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- MR animation - info
Energy / element ) fire with antimatter

Fighting style ) dance fight

Wardrobe ) long grey gloves with business suit

Class ) Demi god / rare kitsune

Emotions ) pacifist and a bit cocky

His favourite fruit ) cantaloupes 🍈

-people following me goals!-

✅20 ( I’m ecstatic! I’ll make past about this!)
✅30 ( more Japanese kinda art anime)
✅50 ( pick a spot )
❌70 ( I would do better quality content)
❌90 (more events)
❌100 (it would mean the world to me and mega pick a spot )

87 Following     63 Follower



Long black latex some times baggy if leather mi parents think I’m weird for it tho

4 months ago   Reply


Thanks it means a lot to me

4 months ago   Reply

So i went to a baseball game

Cool by the way I posted the challenge thing if you want to do it

4 months ago   Reply


Ok then I’ll think of one now

4 months ago   Reply


Would you do it or are you to busy ?

4 months ago   Reply (1)


I think you were mi first follower thanks

4 months ago   Reply

If I made a challenge would anyone actually do it

I disagree I would even if no one else would

4 months ago   Reply


Hi i might host a challenge but I’m worried no one will do it and it will be ignored like trash

4 months ago   Reply (1)


Art block?

4 months ago   Reply


By the way I like you drawing style

4 months ago   Reply (1)

Rodger! (SPOOKY MONRH1! 1!)

I’m just British the big hint is the British 🇬🇧

4 months ago   Reply