they luv sav <3

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hiii i dont do shit except view so hi<3

i will sometimes coment like question u got a girl bestie bc yall seem cool and i wanna be friends but here is basically a bio bout me so enjoy



hair color: brunette

eyes: hasel

scars: yes

long hair

jealousy disorder/ bipolar /anger issues/depression

loves: cuddles hugs personal attention getting outside singing

hates: being hated snoring no peace and spicy food (dont hate me for that)


job: in collage for being a pilot

weight:90 lbs

relationship count :64

btw i look like my pfp

2 Following     3 Follower

  they luv sav <3

Should I quit??

come just stay believe me its worth it

3 months ago   Reply (1)
  they luv sav <3

Should I quit??

nope ur mah bestie now ur not allowed bc i believe in u dont stop pushing until u make it to the top

3 months ago   Reply (1)
  they luv sav <3

ty for following me <3

3 months ago   Reply (1)
  they luv sav <3


question mr or whatever you are

( sorry i put whatever you are i got my ass beat by a they them that i accidentally called a she but i didn't know sooo yea)

3 months ago   Reply (3)