Bizz_the moth:3

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Hi it’s me bizz_the moth:3 just here to say I love my little friends and that’s it oh also I’m a family friendly page pfp art gose to zozo go follow them if else…

🧡: not online
🤍:phone dead
You are awesome
Water and god gave me ocean-Zoe random

71 Following     46 Follower

  Bizz_the moth:3

Mini muffin

Yah I do to but what she did was not right and that is that

2 weeks ago   Reply
  Bizz_the moth:3

Mini muffin

Yah but it’s not gossip it’s the truth

3 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  Bizz_the moth:3

It’s very insensible to joke like that because people do want to kill them self

3 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  Bizz_the moth:3

Mini muffin

Bun is pretty stupid

3 weeks ago   Reply
  Bizz_the moth:3

Mini muffin

I know but bun don’t know

3 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  Bizz_the moth:3


No problem glad you like it

3 weeks ago   Reply
  Bizz_the moth:3

Mini muffin

Oh sorry I didn’t know I just felt like my character should be able to give yall background information

3 weeks ago   Reply (2)
  Bizz_the moth:3

There is a hand behind me and I lost my bunny.

🎶I got a long long long long long neck🎶

3 weeks ago   Reply
  Bizz_the moth:3

Mini muffin

Also what’s it called

3 weeks ago   Reply
  Bizz_the moth:3

Mini muffin

I did that on purpose

3 weeks ago   Reply
  Bizz_the moth:3

TwtwtwtwtThey died their gone they didn't make it I font want to be alive rn

I hope you are ok friend don’t give up I will miss you if you do

3 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  Bizz_the moth:3

The N.0

Blink blink ._.

3 weeks ago   Reply