Bizz_the moth:3

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Hi it’s me bizz_the moth:3 just here to say I love my little friends and that’s it oh also I’m a family friendly page pfp art hose to Leo Larson go follow them if else…

🧡: not online
🤍:phone dead
You are awesome
Water and god gave me ocean-Zoe random

65 Following     44 Follower

  Bizz_the moth:3

Zoe/random 🎆

That’s ok looks like I just have to keep my guard up

2 weeks ago   Reply
  Bizz_the moth:3

Zoe/random 🎆

And then I just got fallowed by someone named *we will dox you* now what am I gonna do

2 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  Bizz_the moth:3

Zoe/random 🎆

Wow that sounds fun but my day hasn’t been so good I drew a cross for my brother and someone commented *sex pls* like what in the actual f*** who does that s***

2 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  Bizz_the moth:3

God's lamb222

Shush ok also as soon as I get home it’s animation time

2 weeks ago   Reply
  Bizz_the moth:3

The bible.

Hay you suck when I come home today ima beat you up lol

2 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  Bizz_the moth:3

God's lamb222

Wait hold on there’s a good reason behind it so I had recently been thinking about god and all he’s done not just for me but everyone and it made me think about how he turned water into wine so I did this and I was also practicing shading and adding shadows so please don’t be mad at me

2 weeks ago   Reply
  Bizz_the moth:3

Demon men in real life

I’m not frizz/rizz I’m bizz_fizz :3

2 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  Bizz_the moth:3

Demon men in real life

I’ve been here longer than a month and idk

2 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  Bizz_the moth:3

Q&A my OCs

Doo they like my art

2 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  Bizz_the moth:3

☢️Tox Fox💚 (founder of fel...

No it’s fine bizz will enjoy them *pushes bizz over*

2 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  Bizz_the moth:3

Sany dog

I will if you fallow me back at least

2 weeks ago   Reply