(^-^)Dementia animes(^-^)

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I wanna make animes and have dementia which is not important.

✔️20:trying to search for the cure to dementia
100:cool party
1000:would be nice
1M:not happening

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  (^-^)Dementia animes(^-^)

U can't rickroll me q


3 weeks ago   Reply
  (^-^)Dementia animes(^-^)

fro0t √⃝⃝

I also got beef with the app like in this one game I really wanna role-playing in but evertime I got to the actual map it exits me out cause of lag

3 weeks ago   Reply
  (^-^)Dementia animes(^-^)


3 weeks ago   Reply
  (^-^)Dementia animes(^-^)

A normal script


3 weeks ago   Reply
  (^-^)Dementia animes(^-^)

No Title


3 weeks ago   Reply