(^-^)Dementia animes(^-^)

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I wanna make animes and have dementia which is not important.

✔️20:trying to search for the cure to dementia
100:cool party
1000:would be nice
1M:not happening

148 Following     48 Follower

  (^-^)Dementia animes(^-^)

The Shape Trio!

This isn't even a dimension just infinite nothingness

2 weeks ago   Reply
  (^-^)Dementia animes(^-^)

The Shape Trio!

*fades back in* you know this just a void right?

2 weeks ago   Reply (2)
  (^-^)Dementia animes(^-^)

The Shape Trio!

Nah I'm your imagination

2 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  (^-^)Dementia animes(^-^)

fro0t √⃝⃝

Such as:pick a spots,challenges,Q/A's,when a popular anime maker posts,whenever you get a new follower,reading this comment and roleplays

2 weeks ago   Reply (2)
  (^-^)Dementia animes(^-^)

fro0t √⃝⃝

There's always a good outlook somewhere

2 weeks ago   Reply
  (^-^)Dementia animes(^-^)


His front Is jello it instantly reclosed

2 weeks ago   Reply (1)