Candle Boi

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im in this account for a bit

19 Following     8 Follower

  Candle Boi

Candle Boi

to calm down?

2 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  Candle Boi

My day is...ok..

wanna play my movie?

2 weeks ago   Reply (2)
  Candle Boi

Battle for luxurious island 5 (the heist)

[C] alcohol is a ripoff of drunky so i vote him because theres only 1 drunk guy in town!

2 weeks ago   Reply
  Candle Boi

There's nobdy to talk to...Why dose the drawing I made say "No To Talk To" 💀

name ❌
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gGender ?
name ❌
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2 weeks ago   Reply
  Candle Boi



2 weeks ago   Reply