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Hello!nice to meet you I have been waiting to make animation now I can hope you enjoy what I make and I know I will enjoy yours sory call me magical instead of lady
13 Following 25 Follower
Watch yandy grow till he is 20
Not to be rude or eny thing but .... WHO CARES !!!
Funny moments in animation maker (how I met mist slower)
This is very funny though
Sory don't know what you look like I have a very bad memory
Chocolate: Guess who's back?
Nope I'm going to
Never mind
Oh lol
I'm going to make it into a animation bye!!
I tried not to laugh but I may have laughed a bit
Then he said not to make front of his crush and then you came out and said "guys I'm a boy"
Ok so I commented I tapped on this and I was a MISTake
Do you remember when we met it was hilarious
I'm trying not to laugh
bon bon
I thing you made him to round
Hello mist again!!
School >:(
Trust me get of at 5:33 because I have to pick up my dad and choir practice
Umm this says ba day or bad ay you neeed to add a d
Guess them all and I will draw you oc
I'll draw it in the morning
No Title
I now hate everyone with rainbow in their name
my evolution
Thank you for doing that!NOT!!!!!!!!!!