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Hiiii My friend on here is wenda and moxxie the historian. I like anima so most of the stuff on here is anima related Also I'm female And irl name is Amelia Age: 12 bday:Dec 19 Slight swearing and inappropriate things just for a warning
183 跟随 51 追随者
새끼 🐶
How good are you at drawing dragons
I'm from North Dakota Jamestown
Interesting story
Where you from I'm from Jamestown
I got emmbearest of asking
Why are korean people look hot
Why are korean people look hot. I messed up
Also are korean people look hot.im just saying
I'm really abbsest with dragons
ඞAmong us woiteඞ (Leader ...
I'm Amelia I'm female
Hey I guess you know pup. Pup and I are friends
I'm really creative with things
So you like art right
Ok bc you didn't have to share your name
I'm 11
Why is your name pup
I kinda thought you were a female and pup is kinda a strange name for you but it's cute
I'm female and my name is Amelia