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Hello! Since my name on here is random person please just call me random :D
I am a she/her and I like to make fan art so let me know if u want one
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Random person
Yeah I try not to talk about it most of the time but this time I really got mad
⭐️⭐️💫💫Star butterfly🌟🌟🦋🦋🦋
Also if there is 72 genders name all of them
Like wth the world is messed up now (sorry if I’m coming across as rude I’m a little upset about this)
What are y’all talking about? There is TWO genders MALE AND FEMALE nonbinary is NOT a gender because you are only the gender you are born as not the gender you choose to be, AND MALE AND FEMALE ARE THE ONLY GENDER
Oh…you don’t like trump? That’s ok! I like Trump tho
Mini muffin
Ok I looked at it do we draw anything or do we draw you?, I couldn’t read what I am supposed to draw sorry
Mkay thanks!
Challenge ends in 10 days! Please join soon!(if you want to)
Which post of yours is the challenge?
Ooo, I’m dumb •-•
Why did you turn into a train?
What?? That’s not a lie 😰😰😰
pov you wanna make some goofy fanart but get carried away a bit too much
I like the mushroom eye thingy it looks good
5 likes for my ip address reveal
Dude I don’t want to know your ip address 😭😭
Fan art for Nelly ⭐
I love it so much!!!!!! Thank you :D
this is actually so heartbreaking
That’s so sad poor bunny and that poor kid :(
I'm soo bored
I’m online
🫀 [ a little gift~… ] 🫀
Also charlotte can a have a fan art if your able to?