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Buh-bye.... I'll remember you here, in my heart..... I love you all..... I'm sorry..... :,( I'm deleting this account..... In a few seconds.... you'll se this account will be gone..... If you read this.... That shows you care..... I'm sorry, I have to leave.... You guys are the best.....

45 Following     34 Follower


Don't hurt aben

And I blocked you....

6 years ago   Reply

Don't hurt aben

I reported you sans fangirl....

6 years ago   Reply

Don't hurt aben

Are you talking to me or this bitch....

6 years ago   Reply


Drawer: I drew it! Dos it look good?

6 years ago   Reply

Don't hurt aben

Fuck you sans fangirl..... I hate ppl like you.... Go kill ur self.....

6 years ago   Reply


Bendy: okie! * hugs her * :3

6 years ago   Reply


Bendy: * giggles a bit * does anyone want a hug?

6 years ago   Reply

Grief: let's Shake hands >:) me: Ummm ok!

Latsyrc: * explodes with mist * hehhe * glows *

6 years ago   Reply

Grief: let's Shake hands >:) me: Ummm ok!

Latsyrc: even if the reaper touches me, he won't kill me.....

6 years ago   Reply

Grief: let's Shake hands >:) me: Ummm ok!

Latsyrc: *pops head off too * heheh

6 years ago   Reply

Grief: let's Shake hands >:) me: Ummm ok!

Crystal: * pops head off * already done that....

6 years ago   Reply

Grief: let's Shake hands >:) me: Ummm ok!

Latsyrc: I'm a demon too, idiot.....

6 years ago   Reply

Grief: let's Shake hands >:) me: Ummm ok!

Latsyrc: ugh, I'll handle this myself! * shoots Aqua in the head *

6 years ago   Reply



6 years ago   Reply

Grief: let's Shake hands >:) me: Ummm ok!

Latsyrc: *laughs really quiet, watches them *

6 years ago   Reply

Grief: ummmm.... colors: umm dark: Touch him your dead...

Latsyrc: haha..... Crystal: honestly, I don't care who you kill......

6 years ago   Reply

Grief: ummmm.... colors: umm dark: Touch him your dead...

Latsyrc: if you throw the knife at hope, use you arm strength..... If you stab hope, keep doing it until hope is still.....

6 years ago   Reply

Grief: ummmm.... colors: umm dark: Touch him your dead...

Latsyrc: ok I'll hold on to my other weapons ( cool name! )

6 years ago   Reply

Grief: ummmm.... colors: umm dark: Touch him your dead...

Latsyrc: * gives him a gun, a grenade, and a bigger knife * there.....

6 years ago   Reply