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Spirit:Pusheen cat Currently Online<
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Jason:hey laids (I deleted not on purpos)
Jason:I need someone to fill up my younger self
Jane: Insanely like floating on air Insanely Unable to run away... Insanely... there are Things controlling me
Jason:*sings with a the perfect voice singing shape of you*
Jason:well being abuse and threaten I been hiding from the world I use to look like this when I was younger *pulls out Jason in a bikini with sun glasses and with flower crown*
Jason:I did not know >.<
Jane: O~O. *tear Falls from face*
Jason:what's wrong
Jane: :3
Jason:*yells from the store to the cross the street*LIZZA WTF AND WASSUP
Mika:s-stop!||Lizza:no I won't||Mika:Help 0/////0
Jason:*sees Mika being lick'd by Lizza*oh sheet
Jason:well I have to go to my house
Jason:*comes bck*but I'm a girl I licked her neck and she blushes and then my Name Is Jason Fitz
Jason:I will get the f**k out of here bai*walks away*
Jason:Lesbian and lick you yesterday
Jason:I'm the real one! Since I'm a girl
Jason:Ello *smokes*i smoke sometimes bc of stress
I try to be more "Nice"
I know that Fnafsl 2 is coming out
I'm Srry I haven't been online I went to Trampoline park I'm Srry