Jãkę thē Īdïòtîç Dõwńër||Online.Kinda

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Ahoy there m8ties!! I'm Jake! And uh...hi?
Q and A? Ok!
Q: What's you favorite food?
A: I'm pescatarian
Q: How old are you?
A: I'll tell you when I'm 100 years old
Q: Are you single?
A: Yes
Q: Crush in the app?
A: M-maybe....I dunno....
Q: Birthday?
A: 9/14
Q: What are your favorite shows?
A: Steven Universe, Tosh.0, South Park, Family Guy, Rick and Morty ,Teen Titans, Tanked, etc
Q: What's your favorite song?
A: Weak I guess...?
Q: Why are you on this app?
A: I just need friends....

Mikey (Dude)
Jerry (Dude)
Max (Dude)
Ginger (Femmie)
Juley (Femmie)
Jared (Dude)
Fall (Dude)
September (Femmie)
H.J (Dude)
Lily (Femmie)
Eric (Dude)
Tulip (Femmie)
Mesa (Femmie)

Me /Forever alone\
Mikey /Ready to mingle\
Jerry /Single||Crushing on Johnny\
Mia /Single\
Max /Single\
Ginger /Single\
Juley /Single||Crushing on Jakey\
Jared /Single||Crushing on Annie\
Fall /Single||Crushing on Winter\
September /Single\
H.J /Single||Crushing on Nora\
Lily /Single\
Eric /Single\
Tulip /Single||Crushing on Ella\
Mesa /Single||Shipped With Savannah\

22 Following     20 Follower

  Jãkę thē Īdïòtîç Dõwńër||On...

Old OC

You're welcome. I hope she never comes back

7 years ago   Reply
  Jãkę thē Īdïòtîç Dõwńër||On...

Old OC

December, you didn't even draw. Is it because you want to hide the fact your drawings probably suck. And you're just jealous

7 years ago   Reply (1)
  Jãkę thē Īdïòtîç Dõwńër||On...

Welcome CharaTHEcookie!!

-twitches- M-m-m-m-m-m-m.... MEMEZ!!!

7 years ago   Reply
  Jãkę thē Īdïòtîç Dõwńër||On...

Sheila's brother and sister!

Sheila: -drops him off with Lily and walks back to Jakie-

7 years ago   Reply
  Jãkę thē Īdïòtîç Dõwńër||On...

Sheila's brother and sister!

Lily: -drags him to the house-//Sheila: -helps her- Man he's heavy...!//Lily: Yep...!

7 years ago   Reply