Ms InsaniTea

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Hi! I'm Ms InsaniTea,

Here's the story of my Life:
I was born in Japan, my parents died in a car accident when I was 4, and ever since I was living with a foster family in America. My foster brother, aka, Kreyul Arroyal Williams, is my roommate now. I'm 17, and I also have breast cancer. And yes. Kreyul WAS named after a webtoon/manga character. His parents are anime nerds :3


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  Ms InsaniTea

Red as a dragon :3

Enola: that's fucking adorable.

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Chloe tell me what is going on.

Should listen to them, ignore Them long enough and they should ignore you.

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Chloe tell me what is going on.

I want you to see how life is wonderful, yet crual at the same time, for instance, I have breast cancer, and my parents died, but you know what? It's not my fault. So I don't let it get to me. Just because someone treats you poorly, that doesn't mean you

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Chloe tell me what is going on.

Your not worthless, if anything, I'm the worthless one. You are a strong person Chloe, and I believe in you.

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Good night forever...

(; ~ ;) *waves good bye*

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

I'm a tall bean

I'm 17 and frickin 5'0... While I'm short my roomie Kreyul, IS 7'0... I'm a smol child....

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Slasher: hEh.. - holds cherry's soul -

Enola: ugh... I hope Hades don't kick me ass fer what I just did.

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea


*falls dramatically to the ground* WHHHHHHHHHY!!!!!!!

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Slasher: hEh.. - holds cherry's soul -

Enola: *teleports directly in front of slasher, takes the soul and tosses it to Cherry* YOUR WELCOME.

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Slasher: hEh.. - holds cherry's soul -

Enola: hey bro, can I borrow that? *Pionts to Cherry's soul* I need it for my boss, Hades. He'll have a bitch fit if I don't have a good soul to bring back.

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

....Look...I messed up.....again......

Sorry if my logic is complicated..

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

....Look...I messed up.....again......

Who cares.. what matters most, is That you feel comfortable inn your own skin, hell.. you can be a selfish bastard for all I care, but it doesn't matter, just do what you want, and what you need to do. That's it.

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

....Look...I messed up.....again......

(-_-) Y. Just, why. Don't be who your expected to be, or anything like that. Don't care what people think. Just, be yourself, and ignore the haters.

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Lily : your not supposed to squeeze them!

Enola: damn. You get scooped by a fuckboi?

6 years ago   Reply