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Um, just if you are wondering...
Age: 14
Do I give two shits? No
Am I alive?: basically not COUGH

Friends (Me and OC):
Rainbow wolf
Ocarina. Serry
Am I fat? I should be, but no.
Am I weird? What do you think?
Sexuality: Straight
Gender: Female
Dirty mind? ...
Ugly? Yes.
Bitch? Sometimes.
Pets? NOT BUT A FU//IN MOUSE jk, I love Smokey ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Siblings? 2
Name: Furwing
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Crush: Ocarina
Traits: Kind,Friendly,Scaredy cat
Likes: Nature walks, Biking,Baking,Living near the water,Panera, Swimming.
Dislikes: The big city,Burger king,Scary movies,Loud noises.
That's all! :)


3 跟随     7 追随者


So... Um Ocarina... Uhh... I was umm... Wondering...

Umm, tomorrow? If it's okay with you??

7 years ago   回复

So... Um Ocarina... Uhh... I was umm... Wondering...

*calms down* Umm comedy sounds good

7 years ago   回复

Ocarina x?

(Look at my animes Furwing asked octarina something)

7 years ago   回复

Fiends (( ocarina and a parrot named lemonade))

It's just my name! Heh... (She's acting nervous)

7 years ago   回复