Karma the Demon kid

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I'm the devils child......
I'm a monster....
I'm your worst enemy....
I'm a demon kid.....
Human: can i ask you some questions?
Me: I guess......
Human: how old are you?
Me: I'm a demon, we don't age...
Human: so you're as old as you want to be?
Me: yea...
Human: what's you're name?
Me: karma....
Human: do you have a crush?
Me: n-no! *blushes*
Human: will you show your eyes?
Me: no!!
Human: where do you come from?
Me: well my mom and da-
Human: thats not what I meant!! I meant where do you live?
Me: where ever I am...
Human: friends?
Me: nerdy, cotton, and dabtasticalfox
Human: well thats all for now, bye *goes away*
Me: bye....

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