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Hello! :3
28 Following 11 Follower
Rp starts now!
Psychø: -she starts to slow dance with Christian-
Meh phone about to die brb))
Psychø: -she walks in the ballroom-
Jake: This is your badness level. it's unusually high for someone your size..
Prom rp!
How Cute Am I?
Not really.....sorry
Anyone -cries- o...on?
Please respond to me.
Me psycho and rainbow for my mad hatter rp!
Anyone on?
I wanna do mad hatter.
Mad hatter?
Yay! What kind?
Gloomy wanna rp?
Damon? I was asleep.
Tom from eddsworld (why am I up so late XD)
crazy party rp
Can I join?)
I live in Flordia and I'm scared and I'm gonna be off bc I need to do stuff that are really important to keep me alive and my family...I know im gonna die...
Me scared put we can go through this together! :3
I live in Florida to....