Evil morty

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  Evil morty

Shinji: I have..lied to them.

Covers his mouth and has knife up to his neck*

7 years ago   Reply
  Evil morty

Shinji: I have..lied to them.

Whispers* morty look at my animation :)

7 years ago   Reply
  Evil morty

Shinji: I have..lied to them.

Disappears in shadows*

7 years ago   Reply
  Evil morty

Shinji: I have..lied to them.

Is rea son why morty feels uncomfortable; stands slightly behind shinji. We're she can't me*

7 years ago   Reply
  Evil morty

I'm t-trying to get over it

And falls back and drops gun*

7 years ago   Reply
  Evil morty

I'm t-trying to get over it

Bleeds* hey morty if your my friend... then die with me* aims at him a shoots*

7 years ago   Reply
  Evil morty

I'm t-trying to get over it

Puts finger on trigger * anyone move he is dead meat

7 years ago   Reply
  Evil morty

I'm t-trying to get over it

Throws mortica off me*

7 years ago   Reply
  Evil morty

I'm t-trying to get over it

Kicks morty down and steps on his chest and aims gun*

7 years ago   Reply
  Evil morty

I'm t-trying to get over it

Tears up a bit* AGGHHHHH YOU LITTLE NOISY SHIT LET GO!!! Puniches hI'm realy hard*

7 years ago   Reply
  Evil morty

I'm t-trying to get over it

Leans on wall* whiny little shit *looks away and mumbles* at least you still have your rick...

7 years ago   Reply
  Evil morty

Just a girl

Look at his animation xD

7 years ago   Reply
  Evil morty

Just a girl

Gets out portal gun* cya suckers

7 years ago   Reply