Madisongs Songbook Archives

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Archive account. Formerly: Madimations /Inkspec Fan!


I am on FrameCast as @MadisonAnimates and DrawCast+ as @MadisonLéMeme
I’m a kid, so no mature content or profanity please.


•I like Chocolate
•I like UnderTale
•I lOvE iNkSpeCs aRt
•My future YouTube name will be FlowerPower5023
•I’ve been here about 2 years
•I’m smoL-
•I will abbreviate FrameCast FC and AnimeMaker AniMaker, so be warned.
•I miss KittenGirl27 (AniMaker), Micheal is a black veil bride (AniMaker), IzzyCat00 (AniMaker), @SpicyBuns (FC), and many more.
•I have a younger brother
•I’m probably inactive here
•Ily all.

Have a cookie and a good day!


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