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Hi guys! Thanks for watching my animes! This year, 2018, I'm 12! I'm very happy to read ur guys comments for ideas! Make sure to follow! And also, never stop smiling! :3
6 Following 12 Follower
This is the most creative thing I've ever seen no joke lol
Progress~ 5 years pf animatin'~
I bet this took forever to make, you did a really great job.
Lol 11
If you can say the name of this Minecraft Youtubers channel you are officially awesome!!
And pls follow :3
Thx for looking at my anime
My mom don't like YouTube at all.
I probably like his channel cuz I'm 12 XD
I subbed to both of their channels I'm a huge fan of them!
Yes ur right :3
How could u hate him he's awesome!
What's Jen's channel?
Yeah! Ur right
I mean wut XD
But wish his YouTube channel??
i cant draw
You actually did pretty good though, don't doubt yourself.
my friends animation!
Nice! :3
When life throws lemons at me I throw the lemons away
I would of never guessed lol
Nyan cat gets captured part two
Thanks :)
Sonic the hedgehog
If you guys like this one, can you watch my nyan cat ones?