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Did you know that learning maths is pointless because phones have a calculator on them?
18 Following 10 Follower
Oooh what's that say? *Picks it up*
My girlfriend is cheating on me!?!
Happens to the best of us
1st Animation
First follower
Any qustions or dares?
I don't really care who I date, just anyone at this point
I dare you to get me a date. Trust me, it's Impossible
I can draw you as a MANGA oc
Draw me like o am, but if I could actually draw, like u
Crushes that are single
Pls do it
Sign me up
Challenge: draw you and your senpai/crush
Ok I did it
Gn (?)
K then *backs away slowly
Kill me pls
Where cartoon Red stays 3
Basically in a white void
Eeeeeeeeeee I'm back
Huh... Why don't I have hands?
Oh yeah it's also midnight
Seems legit..
Meh, I'm pretty sure pink core is d e d
Um... *Pokes the darkness stuff* well this looks like... A dark empty void..
Live or die... Die, please kill me