Orange the Fruit ( die )

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Lmao man i deleted all my stories

What'd you expect

Me to leave them here for someone to steal?
Yeah no.

30 Following     94 Follower

  Orange the Fruit ( die )

My mom told me I'm getting a phone this week

Then you probally should've deleted some animations ;-; I think that might help

5 years ago   Reply
  Orange the Fruit ( die )

My mom told me I'm getting a phone this week

Oh that's cool, I wanna be a flipaclip master but I'm to shy to upload on yt hhhhh

5 years ago   Reply
  Orange the Fruit ( die )

Thank you guys so much for 269 followers!!

h o l y c o w that's a lot and I thought 84 was a lot hhhhhh

5 years ago   Reply
  Orange the Fruit ( die )

My mom told me I'm getting a phone this week

H ah h ah h ah also I didn't beg her for one hhhhhhh I play basketball so I need one imparently hhhhhhh

5 years ago   Reply
  Orange the Fruit ( die )

9 days.

4 for me hhhhhhh

5 years ago   Reply
  Orange the Fruit ( die )

Brielle: so Mars, does Kellan have a girl friend?

This happened at the football game hhhhhhhhhh

5 years ago   Reply
  Orange the Fruit ( die )

I’m scared to tell my mom

I'm sure she will accept you!

5 years ago   Reply
  Orange the Fruit ( die )

Do I draw Bad? ....

You're Drawings are great! With a little time you can draw anything! :D love your art style!

5 years ago   Reply
  Orange the Fruit ( die )


Hhhhhhh. Thxxxx

5 years ago   Reply