Alex - a shooting star-

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....... hello ppl of the internet
I don't know what to really put here sooooo...
-spams tomtord and tommatt everywhere-
UwU come here children I'm tell y'all a story
-throws the book somewhere- nvm I give up
I'm d
I'm du
I'm dum
I'm dumb
I'm dum
I'm du
I'm d

Help me
-listens to music and gets mad and throws the phone across the room-
Help m
Help me
Help m

Ya like jazz ?
No? Ok
I'll leave
-slowly disappears-
-shoots a star- eeee

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  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

-le cri ... gets under desk -

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

My teachers know that trick so even if we are not looking or doing something they will call on you

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

I hate when I get called on and everybody expects me to have the answer so they all turn to me

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

Actually I'm scared of getting called on bc of my answers

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

Answer * )really?

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

Actually that's just Alex tho I know my wander is wrong I write a stupid answer

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

Oh... if you're gonna use magic lemme tell you magic doesn't work here

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

You mean the person who is telling me to kill shadow?

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

My dad(not my real one )?

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

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-Alex runs off-

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

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-whispers -They aren't gonna be happy...

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

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-Alex is behind a tree crying but soon wipes his tears and looks at his hands-

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

*alex curls up*

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

-Alex takes one look at himself and says-this conversation is over - leaves-

6 years ago   Reply