Alex - a shooting star-

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....... hello ppl of the internet
I don't know what to really put here sooooo...
-spams tomtord and tommatt everywhere-
UwU come here children I'm tell y'all a story
-throws the book somewhere- nvm I give up
I'm d
I'm du
I'm dum
I'm dumb
I'm dum
I'm du
I'm d

Help me
-listens to music and gets mad and throws the phone across the room-
Help m
Help me
Help m

Ya like jazz ?
No? Ok
I'll leave
-slowly disappears-
-shoots a star- eeee

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  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

-jasper falls off your shoulder and lays there on the floor-

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

Jasper : zzzzzzzzz

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

-Jasper's brother sighs and decides to follow you and his sleeping brother-

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

-falls asleep on your shower -jasper:zzzzzzzz

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

-jasper sighs and turns into a small creature and sits on you'r shoulder-

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

-jaspers brother pats him on the shoulder but jasper gets up and turns into asall flame and jumps on you but he cant burn you-

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

Jasper:and he really hates me talking to people -jasper brother looks at him and you and makes an angry face-

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

Jasper: h-he's really protective and sometimes dangerous to be around he also doesn't like anyone talking about him he's even hit me once but it gave me a few claw marks that have healed

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

Jasper :t-that's my brother....

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

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6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

-lays down-jasper :-sigh-

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

Kinda but I guess I do?

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

-turns back into a dragon his amulet is now a dark red instead of a light red- jasper:.....

6 years ago   Reply
  Alex - a shooting star-

No Title

Jasper : yeah..I can... but it's not so easy ...I'm still learning

6 years ago   Reply