( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Matt on Matt Action (it’s a joke ack xD)
WARNING: I’m a bit sinful and I make edgy posts, don’t judge xD
EyelessJackie Chan
Hanayu Chan
Wooolioo Kun (help xd)
Nerdy Chan
Lenny Liza
Foggi Chan
Kingston Kun (jeez xD)
Toka Chan
May Chan
Shade Kun (xD)
Shadows Chan
Fluffy Kun (okie I need to stop xD)
Rin?????idk …
Tatsunori(I miss you ;-;) Chan
Monster Chan/Kun? (Idk their true gender xD)
**Chan and Kun inspired by Lenny Liza(Liza A Liza, Go fukin follow her :^)
~and more!~
Idk what to put,
My wife is Nerdy
My children are Caramel, Wooolioo, Cecil?,and Jayden
I love my family very much! ^^
I love my followers and friends that helped me get through the challenges here ^^
Some OCs:
Magic(me): Main And With Nerdy(married)
Sobi: Crushing on Cloud
Flow: with Melt
Radioactive: With Toxic
Donna: With Sardon(married)
Dawn: With Bow
Ron: ???
Josh: Already in love with Lucas
Spill: Crushing on Rain
Taylor: With Lucas (another Lucas not Josh’s)
Green-Yellow: Definitely with Red-Orange
Rachel: ???
Dev: Crushing on Pent a bit
Justin: with Neko ;’3
O.Justin: Crushing on Chrissy :’3
More peepz
User inspired by Jackie(pssttt follow her)
“Everyone ish ma chald”
The Wise Autocorrect xD
“auto cucumber”- Shade
“Tomorrow And tord” - Melody
What the fuk ish I doing?<