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6 Following     11 Follower


Oh no..

-ruffles her hair-

7 years ago   Reply

Oh no..

Aw Little Blazey :33

7 years ago   Reply

Mario Roleplay!!! I call Mario ;3

Saturn: I'm late b-but I'm Yoshi!

7 years ago   Reply

Back from hanging out with my friends

So yeah I live in the Midwest you?

7 years ago   Reply

Back from hanging out with my friends

Yeah. Soooooooo watch a doing and what time is it where you are it's 10:50

7 years ago   Reply

Back from hanging out with my friends

Yeah his name was Cameron. It sucked. Actually we are still 'together' are teacher banned relatshonships.

7 years ago   Reply

Back from hanging out with my friends

I've cried and I've been through a breakup. I was 7. It was two years ago. Anyways what do I have other than a numb heart and ADH I think lol

7 years ago   Reply

Back from hanging out with my friends

Yeah I think I'm numb in the heart.,

7 years ago   Reply

Back from hanging out with my friends

I know. I have a literal heart of ice so I only cry if one of my animals or I think about my brother dying gruesomely.

7 years ago   Reply

Back from hanging out with my friends

Idk have you seen his posts yet?

7 years ago   Reply

Back from hanging out with my friends

Idk have you seen his posts yet?

7 years ago   Reply

How my father acted with me.

Well uhh is he in jail... .,, I mean if this is true CAPL THE COPS!!! Who cares if you get token to an orphanage maybe Donald Trump or someone rich will adopt you..

7 years ago   Reply

How I feel...

I know. I have never cried over death but this time I did. We had to take him to abbey and he had cancer. I broke the news to my friends and they cried. He was 11 years old and the first dog I ever new existed. I study dogs now so he inspired me a lot.

7 years ago   Reply

How I feel...

Oh Lord. I lost my dog and Ya know how I got OVER it. COMEDY :D

7 years ago   Reply

How I feel...

-hugs- I know I know. -pats back-

7 years ago   Reply