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Hiya! Welcome to my Homepage; Łøvåté!
I am: Bisexual
Moi Fam:
Karma &a Rainbow: Daughters Gianna: Mom Ukaine: Sister Lexi; Sister Wolfie: Waifu Liza: Sister Lunar: sister
13 Following 43 Follower
Touch chart
You better hurl
So your the crazy one here you idiots..
Once Ukaine finds out she’s going to go insane on you
Tbh I was just joking and that hurt me...
Wanna know no this gurl reminds me of??
Lexi are u there?
Thåńk Ŷøù, Ükåįñė !
Bonetrousle (meme) wins!
Well that was a waste of bone trouble
Rate my art?
She is called I lik Anime
Lexi, let's invert colours c;;
I cried ;-:
So on one anime called invert colours this girl started saying innapropiate stuff
Say to Siri invert colours
Which Meme??
Ukaine, Gianna, Lexi, Dakota misses you!
Yep! She isn't Damita...She's Dakota :)
This is my sister oc!
Mom can you help? This girl is sexually assaulting me...
Can you stop...your worser than poop 2ick
Turn on inverted colours
Go away "i lik anime" you can't even make it