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Dear Jay:D, thank you for being my biggest fan

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Animation requests? And drawing requests??

Koujaku and Aoba from DRAMAtical murder^3^//slapped// only if u want to XD

9 years ago   Reply

DMMD koujaku and Aoba

God this is so cute and sweet I just keep watching it XD

9 years ago   Reply

Ah hi jimmy^^ shit I can't find the junjou romantica OVAs -A-

Yes I am very happy right now, not due to what u said but because I found my yaoi and I'm watching more yaoi because I don't care why people think^^

9 years ago   Reply

A quick question ( You don't have to answer )

No problem XD psssh I was so off te first time luckily I looked it up XD

9 years ago   Reply

A quick question ( You don't have to answer )

Ok that was right XD they naturally dilate in darkness but there are chemicals which can be used to dilate ones eye the muscles in the iris do all the work uh yeah that's what I'm finding XD

9 years ago   Reply

A quick question ( You don't have to answer )

-until it gets used to normal light... But that could be way off so hang on imma look it up XD

9 years ago   Reply

A quick question ( You don't have to answer )

Hmm I believe that it's done for sorts of eye tests before eye surgeries usually but I believe it's done by shining an extremely bright light into the eye which then compared to that light everything else seems extremely dark making the pupil really large

9 years ago   Reply

DMMD koujaku and Aoba

Oh m freaking gosh it's sooo cuteee!!!>w<

9 years ago   Reply

More request

If ur ok with yaoi... Koujaku and Aoba from DRAMAtical murder?;w; if u don't like yaoi that's ok then XD some people love it some hate it so meh XD

9 years ago   Reply

Omfg these dmmd parodies are hilarious XDDDD there needs to be an abridged series started of the anime OMG

Jay is mean to everyone-_-' just ignore him there's basically nothing else we can do:/

9 years ago   Reply

Ah god it pisses me off so bad when my headphones get like this-A- they never last five god damn minutes TTATT

Woah that's quite rude asshole-_- I'm already in a pissy mood so I don't recommend talking to me like that thanks anyway fuckass^^

9 years ago   Reply

Neon:Hi I'm Neon!^.^

Why did I comment cool?-3- I hate when people just comment cool yet I've done it before XD

9 years ago   Reply

What I have so far as the damn peice of shit keeps crashing -_-

Das how I draw feet-3- I can't draw toes or anything so I came up with that lame half asses way of drawing em XD

9 years ago   Reply


Semestick- wuuuttt ukestick- *whispers loudly to semestick* if u stay awake I'll kiss u after work~ ((XDDDD))

9 years ago   Reply


Seme-stick-* falls asleep again* zzzzzz

9 years ago   Reply


Seme-stick- *sneezes* who's talking about me?-_-

9 years ago   Reply


((Sorry got distractedXD)) ukestick- sorry;3;

9 years ago   Reply