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Dear Jay:D, thank you for being my biggest fan
Wait... Why the hell would I fucking come back to this hell hole? Fuck it
Woah wait what XD look at me being a salty bitch Jesus Christ XD and "You really have feelings for me" I have no idea what that was supposed to mean but Jesus Christ my bitchiness was too much XDDD
Eww I think one of my fish is dieing...
wtf I was so mean "ewe I think one of my fish is dying" "I'm not sad it's gross" what the hell was with me jeezXD
Yas I am a winner lol XDD and Circuit is so cute tho-w-//whisper whisper// I'm hungry
Ok the first one is ladybug but the rest moved so fast I couldn't see them long enough to think XD//btw one of the old OCs of urs I remember the most is Circuit and the other was SeedlyXD I dunno if they're o this or not oopsXD
OMG they're so freaking cuteeeeee >w<//secretely wants all of dem XD// It's hard to make a decision which one to take but I think Imma have to go with the third one cuz hnnng he's adorable!>w< but so are all of them hnnnn XD
hmmm I'm still around but I don't get on cuz no one else does;3; I just check with my phone if anyones on but no one ever is :/ if there was I would get on my ipod cuz my phone can only comment using the online version it cant get the app XD
ummm updates have nothing to do with it. I suggest that next time u refrain from talkin' shit about someone where they can easily see it although really talkin shit in general is rude:/ would u like someone to say that about u? especailly without proof?-A
well having private talks about other people is rude:/ its basically gossiping which makes on look like an ass:/
just sayin u cant really control whether or not other people read this because there's no privaty messages on here0n0 also u cant really be hanging out with people its the internet all u can do is chat0n0 also thats not a very nice thing to say about some
one the word is rhyme not rime two that doesnt rhyme at all three I'm just saying things for people to read not to answer and also if u didnt wanna mess.with me u wouldnt comment to begin with