Chocolate fluffy flower

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Also known as fluffy chocolate

All these ever evelolutions are half shiny and half regular

Fluffy chocolate
Like: fluffy stuff cupcakes and cute things
Dislikes: scary stuff knifes and violent stuff
Crush: none ( does not even know what a crush is )
Personality: kind and will always act as nice as she can ( is a evee )

Likes: fluffy stuff cupcakes and cute thing like her little sis
Dislaikes: bullies knifes and anyone who trys to hurt her sisters
Crush : none
Personality: kind sweet acts nice and trys to be nice and not let people get on her bad side

Age: 18
Likes: dark stuff fighting
Dislikes: bullies
Crush: none
Personality: protects his family very well and makes sure there all safe

Fluffy carmel:
Age: 12
Likes: cupcakes - Carmel - fluffy stuff
Dislikes: bullies
Crush: none
Personality: playful and like to swim

Age: 15
Like: water ???
Dislikes: bullies ???
Crush: none
Personality: swims a lot

Like: fire - cupcakes- anything warm
Dislikes: water- bullies- knifes
Crush: none
Personality: likes things that are hot

Likes: plants-animal- forest
Dislikes: bullies- knifes
Crush: none
Personality: is mostly outide in the warm heat

And this account is shared with ♤~Regen~♤


7 Following     19 Follower

  Chocolate fluffy flower

Chocolate fluffy in full color

Chocolate fluffy: * hugs back *

7 years ago   Reply
  Chocolate fluffy flower

??: It me again hehehe)) Carmel: I won't let you hurt my sister again)) chocolate fluffy: * is very scared *

??: * Throws knife at Carmel leg*))) Carmel : * cries a little bit but growls at ???*

7 years ago   Reply
  Chocolate fluffy flower

Chocolate fluffy: * wereing a cute little scarf * nya

Chocolate fluffy : * gives her a pink scarf * know we can both have scarfs

7 years ago   Reply
  Chocolate fluffy flower

Chocolate fluffy: * wereing a cute little scarf * nya

Chocolate fluffy: * shivers a little bit * * walks over to snow day wolf and lay cutely next to her *

7 years ago   Reply
  Chocolate fluffy flower


Well I'm just saying because it's rude

7 years ago   Reply
  Chocolate fluffy flower


If you have nothing good to say than don't say it

7 years ago   Reply
  Chocolate fluffy flower

Fade thing

How did you get the lighter Grey's colors ???

7 years ago   Reply
  Chocolate fluffy flower

jordan ( for chocolate fluffy

( no wait I'ma name it cupcake star )

7 years ago   Reply
  Chocolate fluffy flower

jordan ( for chocolate fluffy

Can you please name it something cute

7 years ago   Reply