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ExcuSe mE kiD
wHo diS biTch?


I am a girl and a boy
Don’t know what that means?
Well, you see, I feel like a boy at sometimes, a girl at sometimes, or neither, understand? :’) It’s a little somthing called being Gender Fluid.

^Don’t support that?^
Then get tf off my profile bitch.


My best friend is Jiro
She is mine
My mummi
Square up if you tryin take her

11 Following     29 Follower


Yes I still play Minecraft ;)

I was playing earlier- totally not on my fnaf world that I made- (the fnaf world makes me more cringy) xD

6 years ago   Reply

--irl convo

I can relate but I always say I’m fine (for irl bcuz I hate socializing and opening up to ppl)

6 years ago   Reply

Potrix: ...?

D i e (not did)* ._.

6 years ago   Reply

Potrix: ...?

Ehhh sorry but I’m like.. trying not to did bcuz (I hate using this word but it fits this) saying “deep suducing voice” makes me c r i n g e

6 years ago   Reply

Potrix: ...?

Mum. I just can’t explain how much I love your art style. Like, just, yes. Everything you make is just, y e s xD

6 years ago   Reply

Potrix: ...?

yes. This is just yes art. xD

6 years ago   Reply

For sushi ziggz

Thank you ;w; ish bootiful

6 years ago   Reply


Can u draw my main oc? (Ziggz)

6 years ago   Reply

H ey-

Im burnt n hurt

6 years ago   Reply