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Hiya <3
8 Following 12 Follower
Fnaf RP here!!!
. . .
*cries and hides face*
*hides in a very dark corner in the parts and service room*
I'm late to the role play also imma make my animatronic character
Your welcome. And by the way nice drawings I love them so much.
Anyone wanna be Friends...?
No problem <3
Blazin is just a little ticked off
Blazin: *bangs head on wall* hhhhhhhhh. . . . . . .
I do. You seem nice :3
Fire berry: heya!
Blazin: hiya fire berry! *squeezes her tight*
Hi my fluffballs
I'm sick too ;(
Beach rp start
My battery is low and I gtg to school so cya :/
(Sorry I pressed the caps)
(OH ;w;)
(I have an idea. Family rp)
Blazin: *gets off* fine >:(
You. Are. Adopted. :3 ||*pounces on Zoey and bites her methodically*|| GET OFF *tries punching and kicking him off*
Blazin:*unleashes claws and growls fiercely at zoey*say that one more time. . .