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[Currently Offline] Any questions please leave them in the comment section of my last post. Thank you.

4 Following     14 Follower


Hey Harry!

A www ;-; well at least he won't get near voldermolt or dangerous creatures XD

7 years ago   Reply

Episode 2 of Mixed Emotions

Idk how this is somehow to me XD also I can't find part one ;-; halp.

7 years ago   Reply

Trailer for Mixed Emotions

I realized that this might have drama O.o I'm thinking of making a animated series, but idk what to make it about. Should it be high school themed? Or horror themed? Or summer themed? Anyways I need help, so got any suggestions?

7 years ago   Reply

Elemental girls (wind)

LoL before I watched this I read your info for the first time XD also I'm 10 too! My name's Isabella

7 years ago   Reply

Animal Me

Lol also thanks

7 years ago   Reply

Animal Me

If you guys are confused on what (DOI) means in the desc. It means duh but instead say it as DOI in a funny way.

7 years ago   Reply

Happy?... (Short)

Kewl! Tho I did see a scarier animation before, but good job!

7 years ago   Reply

Human vs. animal

Oh So it's you and your friends animal ocs and then you made human versions of them? Okay I understand now.

7 years ago   Reply

Human vs. animal

I don't get it :P Can you explain?

7 years ago   Reply

For My Followers!

Well no but I have it. What's your user?

7 years ago   Reply


Well done!

7 years ago   Reply