このユーザをブロック このユーザを通報
hi I’m alive
im gay as fu-
444 フォロー中 187 フォロワー
Psyco Kitty: *has left a note for K.P and nowhere to be seen*
K.P: *Looks around* What should I do...
K.P: Well, Psyco’s friends are losers..
K.P: *Blushes* What did he mean by that...
K.P: Well, okay then!
K.P: How was the party?
K.P: *Turns visible* Welp, gotta blast *Teleports next to Psyco* Hi
K.P: *Looks at the water* Now I wish I had water powers, but that’s my sister
K.P: Wait, why didn’t he come out with that jerry guy?
K.P: Hmm, nevermind..
K.P: *Watches him* Oh, that doesn’t seem safe..
K.P: Actually... *Turns invisible and teleports to where Psyco is*
K.P: *Sighs* I guess I’ll allow him...
Roi: ...
Ghost: That’s a bummer..
Ghost: Do you have an idea on something we could do?
It’s okay)) Ghost: I’m bored...
Ghost: Oh okay
Ghost: There has to be another reason!
Ghost: ...Why did you teleport here?
Ghost: .........
Ghost: ...I don’t understand cat.